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Blackleg Vaccine 50ml, Pom-VPS (Fridge)
Blackleg Vaccine- For active immunisation of cattle and sheep against Blackleg. Significant levels of immunity cannot be expected until two weeks after the second dose of vaccine in the primary vaccination course. From experience from field use, the duration of active immunity is expected to last one year. The duration of passive immunity is at least 4-6 weeks in lambs provided that lambs receive adequate...
£13.20 inc VAT
Bravoxin, POM-VPS (Fridge)
Bravoxin Suspension is for the active immunisation of sheep and cattle against disease associated with infections caused by Clostridium perfringens type A, C. perfringens type B, C. perfringens type C, C. perfringens type D, Clostridium chauvoei, Clostridium novyi type B, Clostridium septicum, Clostridium sordellii and Clostridium haemolyticum and against tetanus caused by Clostridium tetani.
from £30.00 inc VAT

Covexin 10, POM-VPS (Fridge)
Covexin 10 - For the active immunisation of sheep and cattle against diseases associated with infections caused by Clostridium perfringens type A, C. perfringens type B, C. perfringens type C, C. perfringens type D, Clostridium chauvoei, Clostridium novyi type B, Clostridium.
from £30.00 inc VAT
Cevac Chlamydia, POM V (Fridge)
from £66.00 inc VAT

Enzovax, POM V (Fridge)
Target species Susceptible female breeding sheep. Indications for use For the active immunisation of susceptible female breeding sheep to reduce abortion caused by Chlamydophila abortus infection. Challenge studies have demonstrated that protection against Enzootic abortion and excretion of Chlamydophila abortus post-challenge is undiminished for at least three years post vaccination with...
from £42.00 inc VAT
Footvax, POM-VPS (Fridge)
Footvax - For the active immunisation of sheep as an aid to the prevention of footrot and reduction of lesions of footrot caused by serotypes of D. nodosus
from £45.60 inc VAT

Heptavac P Plus, POM-VPS (Fridge)
Description No prescription required if intended for use in sheep. Target species: Sheep Indications for use For the active immunisation of sheep as an aid in the control of lamb dysentery, pulpy kidney, struck, tetanus, braxy, blackleg, black disease, clostridial metritis caused by Clostridium perfringens types B, C and D, Cl.septicum, Cl.novyi, Cl.chauvoei and Cl.tetani. The vaccine may...
from £48.60 inc VAT
Lambivac, POM-VPS (Fridge)
Description Lambivac vaccine – Target Species – Sheep and pigs. Indications for use Sheep For the active immunisation of sheep to: – reduce clinical signs and mortality due to the toxin of Clostridium tetani (Tetanus); – reduce mortality due to the epsilon toxin of Clostridium perfringens (Pulpy kidney); – induce a serological response against the...
from £22.20 inc VAT

Ovivac P Plus, POM-VPS (Fridge)
Description Ovivac P Plus- for the active immunisation of lambs as an aid in the control of pulpy kidney, tetanus, braxy and blackleg caused by Cl.perfringens type D, Cl.septicum, Cl.tetani and Cl.chauvoei. The vaccine may be used as an aid in the control of pneumonic pasteurellosis in sheep of all ages from a minimum age of 3 weeks and in the control of systemic pasteurellosis in weaned fattening...
from £66.00 inc VAT
Toxovax, POM V (Fridge)
from £142.80 inc VAT