Trichovec Injection POM-V (Fridge)
Trichovec Injection - Dosage: Prophylactic and therapeutic: - Calves aged one day up to three months: 2 x 2 ml - Cattle older than three months: 2 x 4 ml The interval between the vaccination and the revaccination should be 5 – 14 days.
£21.60 inc VAT
Bovilis IBR Marker LIVE(with applicators), POM-V (Fridge)
Product Name: Bovilis IBR Marker Live
Type: Live vaccine for Bovine Infectious Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
Target Species: Cattle
Indications: Provides immunity against IBR virus
Administration: Ready-to-use applicators included
Storage: Requires refrigeration (2°C to 8°C)
Manufacturer: MSD
from £15.60 inc VAT
Protivity Live Vaccine POM-V (Fridge)
Protivity Live Vaccine : For active immunisation of calves from 1 week of age to reduce clinical signs and lung lesions caused by Mycoplasma bovis infection.
£64.80 inc VAT
Rispoval Intranasal RS+PI3 (with nasal applicators), POM-V (Fridge)
Rispoval Intranasal RS PI3 is a fast-acting vaccine designed to protect cattle against respiratory infections caused by RSV and PI3 viruses.
Suitable for calves as young as nine days old, this intranasal vaccine provides immunity within days.
from £43.50 inc VAT
Rispoval Pasteurella, POM-V (Fridge)
Rispoval Pasteurella – For active immunisation of cattle to reduce lesions and respiratory disease caused by Pasteurella haemolytica biotype A, serotype 1.Studies carried out show that a single dose is sufficient to confer protection from challenge by Pasteurella haemolytica within 7 days of vaccination.The vaccine will protect animals for at least 17 weeks.
Data Sheet
from £37.80 inc VAT
Blackleg Vaccine 50ml, Pom-VPS (Fridge)
Blackleg Vaccine- For active immunisation of cattle and sheep against Blackleg. Significant levels of immunity cannot be expected until two weeks after the second dose of vaccine in the primary vaccination course. From experience from field use, the duration of active immunity is expected to last one year. The duration of passive immunity is at least 4-6 weeks in lambs provided that lambs receive adequate...
£13.20 inc VAT
Bovalto Rispi 3, POM-V (Fridge)
Product Name: Bovalto Risp 3
Type: Intranasal veterinary vaccine
Target Species: Cattle
Benefits: Protects against major respiratory diseases
Administration: Easy-to-use
Storage: Requires refrigeration (2°C to 8°C)
Volume: [Specify volume, e.g., 50 ml vial]
Manufacturer: [Specify manufacturer name]
Usage: Recommended for calves from 3 weeks of age
from £36.00 inc VAT
Bovela, POM-V (Fridge)
Bovela is a veterinary vaccine that contains two types of a modified live bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus (BVDV-1 and BVDV-2). It is available as a lyophilisate (freeze dried powder) and solvent for injection.
from £42.00 inc VAT
Bovilis BVD, POM-V (Fridge)
Bovilis BVD – For active immunisation of cows and heifers from eight months of age onwards to protect the foetus against transplacental infection with Bovine Viral Diarrhoea virus.
from £18.60 inc VAT
Bovilis Cryptium POM-V (Fridge)
Bovilis Cryptium -For active immunisation of pregnant heifers and cows to raise antibodies in their colostrum against Gp40 of Cryptosporidium parvum, intended for passive immunisation of calves to reduce clinical signs (i.e. diarrhoea) caused by C. parvum.
from £54.00 inc VAT
Bovilis Leptavoid H, POM-VPS (Fridge)
For the active immunisation of cattle from 1 month of age against Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjo and Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo. To reduce shedding of Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjo in urine. To improve herd fertility when infertility is diagnosed as caused by Leptospira Hardjo.
from £30.00 inc VAT
Bovipast RSP 10 dose, POM-V (Fridge)
For the active immunisation of cattle against: Parainfluenza 3 virus, to reduce infection, Bovine Respiratory Syncytial virus, to reduce infection and clinical signs, Mannheimia haemolytica serotype A1, to reduce infection, mortality, clinical signs, lung lesions and bacterial invasion of the lung caused by serotypes A1 and A6. Cross-reactive immunity to the A6 serotype of M.haemolytica...
£82.80 inc VAT
Bovivac S 10 dose (50ml), POM-V (Fridge)
For the active immunisation of cattle in order to induce serological and colostral antibody production against Salmonella dublin and Salmonella typhimurium and in the face of an outbreak to reduce Salmonella typhimurium infections when used under field conditions as part of an overall herd management programme. Bovivac S may also contribute to reducing S. typhimurium contamination of...
£75.00 inc VAT
Bravoxin, POM-VPS (Fridge)
Bravoxin Suspension is for the active immunisation of sheep and cattle against disease associated with infections caused by Clostridium perfringens type A, C. perfringens type B, C. perfringens type C, C. perfringens type D, Clostridium chauvoei, Clostridium novyi type B, Clostridium septicum, Clostridium sordellii and Clostridium haemolyticum and against tetanus caused by Clostridium tetani.
from £30.00 inc VAT
Covexin 10, POM-VPS (Fridge)
Covexin 10 - For the active immunisation of sheep and cattle against diseases associated with infections caused by Clostridium perfringens type A, C. perfringens type B, C. perfringens type C, C. perfringens type D, Clostridium chauvoei, Clostridium novyi type B, Clostridium.
from £30.00 inc VAT
Hiprabovis IBR Marker Live, POM-V (Fridge)
Hiprabovis IBR Marker Live is used to vaccinate cattle (cows and calves) against the respiratory infections caused by IBR. The vaccine is used to reduce the clinical signs of IBR and the excretion (shedding) of the virus by the infected animals. The vaccine is given to animals as two injections, three weeks apart, into the neck muscles. The first injection can be given to calves from...
from £16.80 inc VAT
Hiprabovis Somni/LKT, POM-V (Fridge)
Emulsion for injection
Mannheimia haemolytica Biotype A serotype A1, inactivated cell free suspension containing leukotoxoid: ELISA > 2.8 (*)/doseInactivated Histophilus somni Bailie strain: MAT > 3.3(**)/dose
(*) A minimum of 80 % of vaccinated rabbits show ELISA value of > 2.0; the mean ELISA is >2.8.
(**) A minimum of (80 % of vaccinated rabbits...
from £62.40 inc VAT
Imuresp RP, POM-V (Fridge)
Imuresp RP is used for active immunisation to reduce the clinical signs and viral shedding associated with Infections Bovine Rhinotracheitis IBR (Bovine Herpesvirus type I) and for active immunisation to reduce PI3 viral shedding from infected animals.
Onset of immunity occurs by 4 days after vaccination with Imuresp RP.
Duration of protection has been demonstrated for up to 6...
from £27.60 inc VAT
Rispoval 2 RSV+PI3, 5 dose POM-V (Fridge)
Rispoval® 2 / BRSV + Pi3 Lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for cattle
£42.00 inc VAT
Rispoval 3 - 5 dose, POM-V (fridge)
Rispoval 3 - for the active immunisation of calves from 12 weeks of age to: reduce virus excretion and the clinical signs caused by bovine Pi3 virus, reduce virus excretion caused by BRSV infection, reduce virus excretion and the severity of the leucopenia induced by BVDV type 1 infectionnn nn
£52.80 inc VAT
Rispoval 4 - 5 dose, POM-V (Fridge)
Rispoval 4 - For active immunisation of cattle to reduce infection, clinical signs and respiratory disease caused by Bovine Respiratory Syncytial virus (BRSV), Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR, commonly known as BHV-1) virus and Parainfluenza virus type 3 (PI3); and leucopaenia and viraemia caused by the Bovine Viral Diarrhoea virus (BVDV) Type I, cytopathic and non-cytopathic strains. A duration...
£54.00 inc VAT
Rispoval IBR Marker (inactivated), POM-V (Fridge)
Rispoval IBR Marker (inactivated) – For active immunisation of cattle against Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), to reduce the clinical signs and virus shedding and, in female cattle, to prevent abortions associated with BoHV-1 infection. The vaccination of pregnant cattle will prevent abortion associated with BoHV-1 infections as demonstrated during the second trimester...
from £35.40 inc VAT
Rotavec Corona, POM-VPS (Fridge)
Product Name: Rotavec Corona
Type: Calf vaccine for diarrhoea prevention
Target Species: Calves via mothers colostrum
Indications: Protects against rotavirus and coronavirus
Administration: Inject cows pre calving
Storage: Requires refrigeration (2°C to 8°C)
Volume Available: 10ml (5 doses) & 40ml (20 dose)
Manufacturer: MSD
from £48.00 inc VAT
Spirovac, POM-VPS (Fridge)
For active immunisation - of cattle to reduce kidney colonisation and shedding of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo type hardjobovis to the extent that no viable organisms can be detected by culture in the urine of vaccinated animals after challenge; a 3 weeks onset of immunity and 12 months duration of protection have been demonstrated by challenge with Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo...
from £30.00 inc VAT
Bovalto Respi Intranasal, POM-V (Fridge)
Bovalto Respi Intranasal- for the active immunisation of calves from the age of 10 days against bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and bovine parainfluenza 3 virus (PI3V), to reduce the quantity and duration of nasal excretion of both viruses.
from £42.00 inc VAT
Rispoval IBR Marker LIVE with applicators, POM-V (Fridge)
Rispoval IBR Marker LIVE – For active immunisation of cattle against Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), to reduce virus shedding and clinical signs including, in female cattle, abortions associated with BoHV-1 infection. A reduction of abortion associated with BoHV-1 infections has been demonstrated during the second trimester of gestation upon challenge 28 days after vaccination....
from £34.80 inc VAT
Bovilis INtranasal RSP Live (with plastic nasal adaptors), POM-V (Fridge)
Bovilis INtranasal RSP Live – For the active immunisation of calves from the day of birth onwards to reduce clinical signs of respiratory disease and viral shedding from infection with BRSV and PI3.
from £46.70 inc VAT
Nasym (with nasal applicators), POM-V (Fridge)
Nasym -Active immunisation of cattle to reduce virus shedding and respiratory clinical signs caused by bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection.
Onset of immunity: 21 days after administration of one dose by the nasal route. 21 days after the second dose of the two dose intramuscular vaccination schedule.
Duration of immunity: 2 months after nasal vaccination. 6 months after...
from £36.00 inc VAT